Taking a personal inventory

Moms Vibe:
By Krystle J. Bailey

It’s the Christmas season, and us moms are in high demand. Everywhere we look, we are being pulled in a different direction, from recitals to shopping, themed school days to family parties, and so much more.

It feels like the days pass by in the blink of an eye, yet we never completely check off the to-do list. This season is always an invitation to look ahead to the new year. Before we had kids, it was much easier to take the time to create vision boards, set goals, or make New Year’s resolutions. These days, it feels like there are not enough hours in the day to make time for ourselves. This is why we must be intentional about making that time, slowing down, and taking a personal inventory.

As we release the weight of 2022 and look forward with hope and love to 2023, I encourage you to take a timeout to reconnect with yourself. Not the mom, spouse, or breadwinner that you are but the you that you were before you held all those titles. Reconnect with your inner self. Take a breath, sit down, pick up a journal, or simply close your eyes. It’s not often anyone offers moms an opportunity to rest, so we must go get it.

When you do, use these prompts to take a personal inventory of your well-being. Think about things you’d like to leave behind this year and things you’d like to receive or welcome in 2023.

Mental and emotional well-being

Check in with your mental and emotional state. These two are often separated, but the reality is our thoughts trigger emotional reactions, and emotions have a great effect on our mental health. The two work hand-in-hand.

Be honest with yourself about how you’ve been managing stress and high emotions.

What areas do you want to improve?

What baggage is not yours to keep carrying?

Who do you need to forgive or let go of in your life?

Have you checked in with your therapist?

Do you need to look into finding a new therapist?

Which books do you plan to read next year that will encourage your growth or healing?

Could you make more time to journal, create, or meditate in order to maintain a sense of peace? Are you living in alignment with the things that light you up and make you feel alive?

If not, where can you course correct?

Are you pouring from an empty cup?

How are you? Really.

Physical well-being

Contrary to popular belief, checking in with your physical well-being doesn’t have to involve diet plans, gym memberships, or losing weight. Your physical well-being can be as simple as observing your recent stress levels and making a conscious effort to focus on your breath more.

What doctors appointments need to be made for your continued health?

Have you had a physical recently?

 How often are you hydrating?

Where can you squeeze in some more rest?

What things can you take off your plate this year so you can operate more efficiently?

Do you need more movement to feel better physically?

How can you improve your mobility?

Small changes to your day-to-day physical routine can dramatically improve your mental and emotional health. Implementing a daily walk or stretching routine is just as good as joining a gym or starting a new nutrition plan. It’s important to remember that despite what magazines and social media tell us, we actually are more than enough and don’t need to “fix” anything. A physical check-in is just an opportunity to improve areas of our lives that could help us operate better in this non-stop race we call motherhood.

Motherhood comes with plenty of sacrifices. Our mental, emotional, and physical well-being doesn’t have to be one of them. Take a moment to check in with yourself this holiday season, and remember that the more you pour into yourself, the better you can serve everyone around you.

Happy Holidays, Shore Local Moms.

Krystle J Bailey. Multimedia journalist, Author, Poet.

Connect with Krystle on Instagram @thedailybailey5
